Sunday, May 17, 2020

Keeping A Watchful Eye Security Essay - 1545 Words

Keeping a Watchful Eye: Security in the Workplace Times are changing and the threats that businesses face are changing as well. Workplace security and asset protection is vital in order for a company of any size to be successful. Crime is getting more sophisticated and ruthless, and no matter how big or small a company is it needs to be mindful of threats to keep themselves protected. There are countless steps that can be taken to ensure that a company’s assets and employees are kept safe and out of harm’s way. A few of these steps include informing employees of security procedures to prevent dangerous situations, maintaining a competent security staff, and exterior facility defenses. Finally and perhaps the most important aspect, steps that can be taken in the unlikely event that a life threatening situation occurs. Recent Tragedy The world is getting more and more dangerous every day and no company is safe, not even at a holiday party. On the second day in December 2015, two armed assailants entered the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino, California and opened fire on dozens of innocent people who were celebrating a holiday luncheon for employees of the county health department. The carnage was astonishing and when everything settled fourteen people were killed and twenty-one people were injured; the victims ranged from twenty-six to sixty years of age. Upwards of 150 rounds of ammunition were fired while the perpetrators were inside the center. The twoShow MoreRelatedThe Increased Presence Of Public Surveillance Technology Justified990 Words   |  4 Pagesessential for the government and business owners to keep a watchful eye on the public. Contenders of Cobens essay would agree that watching over someone’s whereabouts makes the observed grow uneasy. This also brings up the question of whether keeping a watchful eye is actually effective at deterring wrongful behavior? 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